Some Little Musical Things
(classical guitar, 432 Hz)

some little musical things - cover

Original compositions for classical guitar recorded at 432 Hz for more natural sound. Each song contains themes and improvisation.

Sometimes, the most important things for us are simple details to witch maybe we had not put much attention. Thinking about it, often just a few common things were relevant to our lives. The songs that I have composed on this CD are inspired at some small ideas, as if opening a drawer you will find some objects, or maybe musical toys. Their sound may seem very simple to someone, but in the hands of a child, they will be full of feeling and amazement. I hope that those who listen to my music will do it with the same sincere amazement. Finally, the tuning at 432 Hz that I’ve used, comes closer to the natural frequencies of the Earth and of DNA, of which we are a part.

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    LISTENING: “Some Little Musical Things” (classical guitar, 432 Hz)

    [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=291768325 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]

    (P) © 2014 Enzo Crotti

    1 Summer Song (3:09)
    2 Play the Love (3:12)
    3 Delicate Blues (3:11)
    4 Horse Racing (2:51)
    5 Changes in Progress (3:20)
    6 Singing in the Moonlight (3:38)
    7 A Short Dialogue (3:11)
    8 Farmer’s Blues (3:15)
    9 Sixth Life (5:07)
    10 Play the Love – orchestral (4:13)
    11 City Driving (3:11)
    12 Autumn Dance (3:58)
    13 Pensieri (2:41)

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